I was fascinated by photography already as a child but had always "more important things" to do. After buying my first digital camera in 2005 I began to intensify taking pictures for some time. But the everyday stress stopped me again.
Chance of a sabbatical in 2016 I spent five weeks in Malta where I visited an English class but more important five private tutorials by the well-known Maltese photographer Kevin Casha. I learnt a lot and could use it at the connecting photosafari in Botswana accompanied by the well-known wildlife photographer James Gifford. Since this journey I suffer of the "photography virus". I could enjoy more tutorials by Kevin Casha on another five weeks in Malta in 2017. In September 2017 I started the education of Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (carried out by Migros Klubschule Altstetten) and graduated in December 2018 with getting the Certificate of Advanced Studies of Photography. On a portrait class I realized that I really love working with people. For this reason I visited several classes to learn more about portrait, boudoir and nude art shooting.
I have more and more commissioned shootings. The shootings are in my small studio in my house in Kloten, on the client premises or outdoor.